PUBLICATIONS (2000-2009)

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Langue Distance for the Mercersound 09 audio CD published by Mercer Union featuring various artists, incl. Cory Arcangel, Lee Ranaldo, Kenneth Goldsmith, Tony Romano, Anitra Hamilton, etc.

Disco Sec publication consisting of an LP cover, 5 x 11″ x 11″ full-color inserts with text and image documentation, plus an audio CD. Published by Avatar/OHM éditions. Québec Launch: 18 June 2009 at Café Martin Abraham. Montréal Launch: 25 June 2009 at the Sala Rossa.

“Opening The Install: 30 days in the life of an exhibition”, curatorial essay for awashwave (April 9 – May 31), exhibition curated for the Blackwood Gallery. With Louis Fortier, Antonia Hirsch, Young-Sup Kim, Arnold Koroshegyi, Diane Landry, Michael Snow, Kelly Wood.


START STOP. catalog. The book includes documentation of both START and STOP. exhibitions, a curatorial essay, an essay by André-Louis Paré, a text piece by Steve Savage, and bookmarks by Brian Joseph Davis, Karine Denault and Frédéric Lavoie. Graphic design by Feed. Published by the Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery, Concordia University, Montréal.

On.Off, curatorial essay for the START STOP. catalog. Published by the Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery.

Bouche… boue… oue : une somaphonie buccale, essay for Inter No. 98 Espaces Sonores, Québec. Publication launch January 23 at Café-Bar l’Agitée in Québec City. The accompanying audio CD compilation includes a couple of remixes (Hole in the Hole1 and Hole in the Hole2) of material from Hole in the Head.


Tue, book of writing experiments published by Le Quartanier, Montréal. Launched November 15 at Librairie Le Port De Tête, Montréal.

Microhole and Microfall , front and back cover feature of the Bruit issue No. 59 of ESSE magazine.

Indereflection (One, Two, Three), three of the one thousand and one stories Barbara Campbell commissioned from 243 writers as part of the 1001 nights cast durational performance she cast every night for 1001 nights from 21 June 2005 to 17 March 2008.


P and Crackers appear on CD compilation Music Overheard curated by Kenneth Goldsmith for the ICA, Boston (you can find an online version on ubuweb).

Interval (14 ages – video version)solo exhibit at MEDIA+SPACE at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, November 1 – 24, curated by Baruch Gottlieb.

Trou, solo survey exhibit at Galerie de l’UQAM, Montréal, curated by Nicole Gingras, 0ctober 20 to November 25. A catalog with DVD is available (through the Galerie de l’UQAM or ABC Art Books Canada).

Interval (14 ages), as part of exhibit titled CUT curated by Michèle Thériault, also featuring Raymond Gervais and Jocelyn Robert. At the Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery, Concordia University, Montréal, October 19 – November 25, 2006. Catalog is available (through theLeonard & Bina Ellen Gallery or ABC Art Books Canada).


Feature on ubuweb featuring numerous mp3s of tracks from early CDs Hole in the Head, vex, Death of Analogies, etc as well as a full pdf version of la première phrase et le dermier mot and a selection of other texts.

Space is the Place is the Time is the Song: the quadrisonics of Steve Heimbecker, essay for Heimbecker’s Song of Place DVD catalog. Published by Oboro.

Taciturntablism: techniques of hairline fractures and tiny displacements, essay for the book Places and Non-Places of Contemporary Art/Lieux et non-lieux de l’art actuel for Esse.

Vegass, audio piece on CD Six Silk Purses, project by poet Fortner Anderson where each track is based on a recording in his voice of one of his poems. Composers were given carte blanche. The other participants are: Chantal Dumas, Alexandre St-Onge, Alexander MacSween, Sam Shalabi, and Michel F. Côté. Published by Wired on Words. Launched at the Sala Rossa in Montréal, Sunday October 30.

Disquiet, guest curator at Modern Fuel Gallery, Kingston, Ontario. Participating artists: Bob Bean, Dave Dyment, Afshin Matlabi, Diane Morin, Matt Rogalsky, USSA (Jake Moore & Steve Bates). August 24 – September 22. Reception September 17. Catalogue with CD is available from Modern Fuel.

Super Infinity, brief text on work of the same name by Dave Dyment and Roula Partheniou for Free Sample catalog (curator Kelly Mark), MSVU Gallery, Halifax.

Christof Migone – Sound Voice Perform, monograph with full-length CD, Errant Bodies Press/Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde with Ground Fault Recordings. Montréal book launch Tuesday February 22, 5-7pm at Reservoir, 9 Duluth St.


Blockers published in Cahier Folie/Culture 9-1-1 Trousse de premiers soins en santé mentale, Folie/Culture, Québec.

la première phrase et le dernier mot book of writings for Le Quartanier, Montréal. Launch at O Patro Vys, May 3.

Flatus Vocis: Somatic Winds essay for Aural Cultures, ed. Jim Drobnick, Toronto: YYZ. Launches: Toronto April 3, Montréal April 16.

The Prestidigitator: A Manual essay for journal AS No. 169, special issue on feeling, tactility, embodiment and technology. The journal is in Flemish. Other texts by Geert Lovink, Laura U. Marks, Brian Massumi and others. Part of the exhibition FEEL – Tactile Media Art at Art Center Z33 in Hasselt, Belgium.

squintfuckerpress launch at Casa del Popolo and Sala Rossa, Montréal, Sunday February 29. new releases: Escape Songs by Veda Hille and Christof Migone (full length digipak cd), and mini 3″ cd by Et sans (Roger Tellier-Craig and Alexandre St-Onge).

Volume (of confinement and infinity) a history of unsound art essay for S:ON (Le son dans l’art contemporain canadien / Sound in Contemporary Canadian Art), ed. Nicole Gingras, Montréal: Artexte. Launch January 20 at Reservoir, Montréal.


disclosure, audio/text/visual documentation of performance published in Surface Tension: Problematics of Site (book + CD), Errant Bodies Press, 2003.

la première phrase et le dernier mot text for Revue Le Quartanier 1-2003.


Separate, text and image documentation of 1998 performance with Kim Dawn. Part of Counterposes, curated by Jim Drobnick and Jennifer Fisher, Galerie Oboro, Montréal, May 1998. Published by Oboro/Display Cult), 2002.


Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language, edited by Brandon LaBelle and Christof Migone. Featuring: Vito Acconci, Charles Amirkhanian, Robert Ashley, Vincent Barras, Sean Cubitt, Kim Dawn, David Dunn, Terri Kapsalis, Brandon LaBelle, GX Jupitter-Larsen, Alvin Lucier, Lionel Marchetti, David Merritt, Fred Moten, Norie Neumark, Bart Plantenga, Arthur Petronio, Jocelyn Robert, Elizabeth Slavet, Alexandre St-Onge, Allen S. Weiss, Gregory Whitehead, Achim Wollscheid, Nicholas Zurbrugg.


Ricochets, or How the Bullet Skips to the Tune of the Phonograph, essay published in XCP: A Journal In Cross-Cultural Poetics, Issue 6, 2000.

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