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My research delves into language & voice, bodies & performance, intimacy & complicity, sound & silence, rhythmics & kinetics, translation & referentiality, stillness & imperceptibility, structure & improvisation, play & pathos, pedagogy & unlearning, failure & endurance. Current and ongoing investigations: microphone hitting, book flipping, tongue extruding, record releasing, word hyphenating, para-pedagogical positioning, careless curating, noise making, sequitur following, paper passing, interval counting, rhythm repeating, phone licking, machine fingering, playlist compiling, silence listening, dozens of dozens, strobosonoscopics and stroboscopsonics.

Ma démarche et recherche se penchent sur le language et la voix, le corps et la performance, l’intimité et la complicité, le son et le silence, la rythmique et la cinétique, la traduction et le référentiel, l’immobile et l’imperceptible, la structure et l’improvisation, le jeu et le pathos, la pédagogie et la méconnaissance, l’échec et l’endurance. Obsessions du moment : destructions de microphones, feuilletages de livres, extrusions de langues, lancements de disques, traitements des traits d’union, positionnements des para-pédagogues, pluralités des bruits, passages des pages, suites de toute suites, lèchements de téléphones, compilations de listes, écoutes des silences, douzaines de douzaines, strobosonoscopiques et stroboscoposoniques.


Christof Migone is an artist, teacher, curator, and writer. He often works with language, voice, bodies, performance, intimacy, complicity, and endurance. He co-edited the anthologies Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language (Errant Bodies Press, 2001) and Volumes (Blackwood Gallery, 2015). His writings have been published in Aural Cultures, S:ON, Experimental Sound & Radio, Musicworks, Radio Rethink, Semiotext(e), Angelaki, Esse, Inter, Performance Research, The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art, Sound Art (ZKM/MIT), etc. He obtained an MFA from NSCAD in 1996 and a PhD from the Department of Performance Studies at the Tisch School of the Arts of New York University in 2007. He has released numerous solo and collaborative audio cds on various labels. He has curated a number of exhibitions and events: Touch that Dial (1990), Radio Contortions (1991), Rappel (1994), Double Site (1998), stuttermouthface (2002), Disquiet (2005), START (2007), STOP.(2008), and Should I Stay or Should I Go (Nuit Blanche 2010). He was the Director/Curator of the Blackwood Gallery between 2008 and 2013. He has performed at Beyond Music Sound Festival, kaaistudios, Resonance FM, Ménagerie de Verre, Experimental Intermedia, Méduse, Images Festival, Send+Receive, Kill Your Timid Notion, Liquid Architecture, Mutek, Victoriaville Festival, Casa del Popolo, Théâtre La Chapelle, CAFKA, Museum Leuven, Whitney Museum, Apologies in Advance, DE PLAYER, LUFF, Cave 12, Ftarri, Borderline, Irtijal, etc. His installations have been exhibited at the Banff Center, Rotterdam Film Festival, Gallery 101, Art Lab, eyelevelgallery, Forest City Gallery, Studio 5 Beekman, Mercer Union, CCS Bard, Optica, Oboro, Museum London, etc. He has collaborated with Lynda Gaudreau, Sam Shalabi, Martin Tétreault, Michel F. Côté, Gregory Whitehead, Set Fire To Flames, l’Oreille à Vincent, and Fly Pan Am. A monograph on his work, Sound Voice Perform, was published in 2005. In 2006, the Galerie de l’UQAM in Montreal presented a mid-career survey of his work accompanied by a catalog and a DVD entitled Trou. A book compiling his writings on sound art, Sonic Somatic: Performances of the Unsound Body was published in 2012 by Errant Bodies Press. He has been the recipient of commissions from the Tate Modern, Dazibao, Kunstradio, Centre for Art Tapes, New Adventures in Sound Art, Radio Canada, New American Radio. He is a founding member of Avatar (Québec City). With Alexandre St-Onge he runs Squint Press. He recently was a recipient of the Glenfiddich Artist Residency with Marla Hlady. He is currently curating a 12-year event titled You And I Are Water Earth Fire Air Of Life And Death. He lives in Toronto and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University in London, Ontario.

Christof Migone, artiste/écrivain/commissaire, est l’auteur de nombreuses performances et installations présentées dans des lieux et dans le cadre d’évènements tels que Beyond Music Sound Festival (Los Angeles), kaaistudios (Brussels), Resonance FM (London), Nouvelles Scènes (Dijon), On the Air (Innsbruck), Ménagerie de Verre (Paris), Experimental Intermedia (NYC), Méduse (Québec), Mutek, Victoriaville Festival, Send+Receive, Banff Center, Rotterdam Film Festival, DHC Art, CAFKA, Trama Festival, Whitney Biennial, Cave 12 (Genève), LUFF, Irtijal (Beirut), Borderline (Athènes), etc. Il a exposé au Banff Center, Rotterdam Film Festival, Gallery 101, Art Lab, eyelevelgallery, Forest City Gallery, Studio 5 Beekman, Mercer Union, CCS Bard, Optica, Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en beaux-arts du Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, il a également obtenu un doctorat au Department of Performance Studies de la New York University. II est co-rédacteur en chef de Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language et de Volumes, et ses textes ont été publiés dans Aural Cultures, S:ON, Musicworks, Semiotext(e), Radio Rethink, Parachute, Angelaki, Esse, Performance Research, The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art, Sound Art (ZKM/MIT), etc. Il a publié deux livres, la première phrase et le dernier mot et Tue, chez l’éditeur montréalais Le Quartanier. Il a été commissaire de plusieurs évenements : Touch that Dial (1990), Radio Contortions(1991), Rappel (1994), Double Site (1998), stuttermouthface (2002), Disquiet (2005), START (2007), STOP. (2008) ainsi que plusieurs autres au sein de la galerie Blackwood. Christof Migone a aussi collaboré avec de nombreux artistes, dont Lynda Gaudreau, Tammy Forsythe, Gregory Whitehead, Martin Tétreault, et Michel F. Côté. Ce membre fondateur d’Avatar à Québec a en outre réalisé neuf disques compacts solo (Avatar, ND, Alien 8, Locust, Oral, Ambiances Magnétiques, Futura Resistenza). Il a reçu des commandes de la Tate Modern, Dazibao, Kunstradio, Centre for Art Tapes, New Adventures in Sound Art, Radio Canada, New American Radio. En 2005, l’éditeur Errant Bodies Press publia un monographe sur son travail : Sound Voice Perform. En 2006, la Galerie de l’UQAM lui a consacré une exposition retrospective incluant un catalogue et un DVD intitulé Trou. Un livre qui réunit ses écrits sur l’art sonore, Sonic Somatic: Performances of the Unsound Body a été publier en 2012 par Errant Bodies Press. Il co-dirige Squint Press avec Alexandre St-Onge. Il habite à Toronto et est professeur agrégé au département d’arts visuels de Western University à London en Ontario.