seize me by the horns
(2000 – 2021)
undo (Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge)
Performance which consists of stuffing canned snails into our mouths, ears, noses. We mined our bucal cavities for fluid sonorities, we deranged our electronics.
The recording of the performance in a kitchen in Montréal appeared on the last track of the inaugural release on squint fucker press in the same year, un sperme qui meurt de froid en agitant faiblement sa petite queue dans les draps d’un gamin.
Also, the same year we performed the piece in front of a live audience at the No Music Festival in London, Ontario.
The contorted textual component in the video is from the performative presentation by undo titled “Turn, turn, turn: undo’s dizzy tactics in des tournages” presented at the first Tuning Speculation: Experimental Aesthetics and the Sonic conference, November 1-2, 2013, at Arraymusic in Toronto.