Record Release (7-inch) Sillons
Home page for the project here.
Related pages: PHOTO SERIES: 21C,
Harbourfront, Imprévu, Oaxaca, Seoul, Tokyo, USA. AUDIO PUBLICATIONS: Avatar, Fin, Huronia, Kunstradio, Power Plant, Scratch, Silo City. OTHER: Sillons, Sweet Gongs Vibrating.
Limited edition of 21.5 x 21.5″ silk-screened prints.
In commemoration of the permanent closing of a record store, Sillons in Quebec City. Sillons closed its doors after more than thirty years in the fall of 2015. Posters were placed on one of the outer walls of the store on Aberdeen Street.
A groove is an engraving on the matter in its space and throughout its time. It is the fruit of a brand that leaves traces. A groove rarely comes alone, he makes sens with others and in a time that evokes the past, the present and promises animates the future.
When grooves are absent, there is a lack, either a hollow on the surface, but in its content. There is only one smooth surface slips.
Without grooves. Where there is a return to the raw material pellets from an oil range. Diskless. Without or without the other. Unless a poster for each.
Silkscreen announcing an end, the spiral has reached its center. The black hole in the middle on a future overflows outside the threshold of our listening.
Un sillon est une gravure sur la matière, dans son espace, et au fil de son temps. C’est le fruit d’une marque qui laisse des traces. Un sillon vient rarement tout seul, il se conjuge plutôt au pluriel et dans un temps qui évoque le passé, anime le présent, et promet le futur.
Quand des sillons s’absentent il reste un manque, un pas grand chose, un creux non plus sur la surface mais dans son contenu. Il ne reste qu’une surface lisse qui dérape.
Sans sillons. Ou il y a un retour vers la matière brute même, des granules provenant d’une plage de pétrole. Sans disque. Sans un ou sans l’autre. Sauf une affiche pour chaque. Sérigraphies qui annonce une fin, la spirale a atteint son centre. Le trou noir au milieu déborde sur un avenir hors du seuil de notre écoute.