La et Le 


La et Le (100 chutes) (14:26)
La et Le (100 conclusions) (5:56)

Project originating with the book La première phrase et le dernier mot (2004). The book consisted in taking every first sentence and every last word of every French book in my library. The resulting words were then mixed and rearranged to make up new sentences, no words were added or removed. Consequently none of the words are mine, but the sentences are.

In the installation, the book is made available for reading while a two screen video projection plays. The video features three series, one where 100 books are slammed shut (100 conclusions), 100 books fall (100 chutes), and 100 first sentences and last words from the book are read but only the very first and last sounds are heard (100 caches).

Presented at Tesla as part of the Avatar@Berlin activites for the poesiefestival berlin 2007.