Joints (for Novarina)


Audio work for Theater of the Ears, a play for recorded voice and electronic marionette by Allen S. Weiss.

Premiered at Cal Arts. Subsequently presented in New York (La Mama E.T.C.), Paris, and Avignon.

The in-betweens of the performed text are occupied by audio miniatures, sonic joints. Compact fragments made for another ear theatre, these are for the in-between of the ears, the ear-betweens. They are meant to be misunderstood. These are Novarina’s characters all passing through, emitting a cry, a whimper, a silence and then scurrying past. They are what’s left after you leave the theatre (or after the theatre leaves you). Microcosms meant to be misunderstood, wort salat. Once one is past you won’t hear it again, another one is coming…

Credits – Production
Text and visage: Valère Novarina
Direction: Zaven Paré and Allen S. Weiss
Set Design and Puppet: Zaven Paré
Translation and adaptation: Allen S. Weiss
Puppeteer: Mark Sussman
Co-producer: Carol Bixler

Credits – Sound design
Voice/Montage: Gregory Whitehead
Joints: Christof Migone
Backbeat/Mastering: Scott Konzelmann/Chop Shop