Publication consisting of 99 different bookmarks designed by Marie-Douce St-Jacques and a set of digital audio files (totalling 11 hours and 31 minutes) for each of the following projects. Edition of 99.
Flipper B. An audio flipbook of 99 books starting with the letter ‘B’ from the Monkey’s Paw, Toronto, July 2013.
Flipper C. An audio flipbook of 99 books starting with the letter ‘C’ from the NSCAD Library, Halifax, August 2013.
An ABC of flipping. The flipping action is miked closely in order to transpose physical materiality to the sonic realm. Each book’s weight, size, binding affects how a book will flip and consequently the recording. How a book sounds. Sounding a book.
A Flea In Her Ear / Aural Awareness / Against Interpretation / Auto-Da-Fé / Avant-Garde Music / A Voiceless Song / A Thousand Plateaus / About Looking / ABC’s of Type / A Painter of Darkness / Art and Culture / Arresting Images / All That Is Solid Melts Into Air / American Music in the Twentieth Century / Acoustics of Music / Art, Beauty, And Pornography / Artificial Knowing / Arguing Persuasively / American Pioneers: Ives to Cage and Beyond / A Map of Glass / Antonin Artaud: Selected Writings / Art and Nonart / Antipodes / Artist Body / Ask Me No Questions / Artists of the Dance / Audition / Awareness / Atmospheres / A Mad World, My Masters / Art and Answerability / Architecture a performing art / Antigone / Animate Illusions / Aesthetics / Animals and the Origins of Dance / Agam / A Dialectic of Centuries / Another Country / A Day Off / Among The Thugs / A History of Engraving & Etching / Aleph and other Stories / Animal Tracks of the Rockies / After Haggerty / All Amazed For Roy Kiyooka / Anthropology and the Museum / Arcana / Anthony Braxton / A Cry Of Players / Anthropology of Turquoise / Arabia Felix / Apaches: A History and Culture Portrait / Art BC: Masterworks from British Columbia / Across the River and into the Trees / Asmodée / Arms and the Man / Art of the Photogram / Architecture from Without / A Critical Sense / Amoral Thoughts About Morality / Agnes Martin: The Nineties and Beyond / Acting Out: Feminist Performances / Acting in Opera / About Vile / Allos: ‘Other” Language / American Indian Myths and Legends / A Planet Mostly Sea / Amsterdam / A Boundless Horizon / A Subject of Scandal and Concern / Alexandria Quartet / Alligator Report / Angels In Love / Angle of Repose / Anecdotes and Enigmas / A. R. Penck / An Anatomy of Musical Criticism / Ana Mendieta Earth Body / A Book of Colors / Analogical Problem Solving / American Neon / Agaguk / Act and the Actor / Art/Talk / Andy Warhold Prints / Arguments With The World / A Set of Suspicions / Artaud on Theater / Art and Visual Perception / Anthology of Musical Structure and Style / A Sense of Place / Atlas / Astral Projection / Aviation Weather / Art From Start To Finish / Angry Wind / Action Art / A Book of the Book /
Billy & Betty / Birds: A Guide to the Most Familiar American Birds / Book of the Camp Fire Girls / Boy Scout Handbook / Behaviour and Physique: An Introduction to Practical and Applied Somatometry / Belgium – The Official Account Of What Happened 1939–1940 / Buildings & Power: Freedom & Control in the Origin of Modern Building Types / Bernardo Bertolucci / Brecht on Theater / Banned Films: Movies, Censors, And The First Amendment / Basic Fly-Tying: A Step-By-Step Approach / Blumenfeld: Photographs: A Passion for Beauty / Behavior Mod / Beyond the Information Given: Studies in the Psychology of Knowing / Baker’s Dictionary of Practical Theology / Ballet for Beginners / Bar Mitzvah Illustrated / Bookbinding for Beginners / Bosch / Birds Through the Year / Bird Watching in Jamaica / Burn, Baby, Burn! The Watts Riot / Bunraku: The Art of the Japanese Puppet Theatre / Bird Carving: A Guide to a Fascinating Hobby / Beyond Natural Selection / Body Poise / Bare Bones: An Exploration in Art and Science / Basics of Food Allergy / Birds, Beasts, Blossoms, and Bugs: The Nature of Japan / Balthus / Beothuk Bark Canoes: An Analysis and Comparative Study / Beyond Modern Art / Breeding Biology of the Adélie Penguin / Bird Flight: 200 Action Photographs / Birds of Ontario / Biomedical Results From Skylab / Beaton / Before the Revolution: A View of Russia Under the Last Tsar / Bali and Angkor: A 1930s Pleasure Trip Looking At Life and Death / Background to Archaeology: Britain in its European Setting / Bartholomew’s Road Atlas / Black Gold & Red Lights / Bermuda Shipwrecks / Better Homes & Gardens Barbeque Book / Blue Ribbon and Pure Gold Cook Book / Bouquet de France / Beautiful Britain / Birds of America / Blind Date / Borderlands of Eternity: Embracing Across China on Foot & My Life in Tibet / Book of the Eskimos / Bombs Away: The Story of a Bomber Team / Balthazar / Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited / Bliss / Belchamber / Britain’s Conquest of the Mediterranean / Black Voices From Prison / Black Reconstruction in America 1860–1880 / Back in the World / Batfish: The Champion “Submarine-Killer” Submarine of World War II / Bitter Lemons / Burma: The Land and the People / Bibliography of Indonesian Peoples and Cultures / Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable / Black Pow-Wow / Bruges and Its Past / Bird Guide: Land Birds East of the Rockies / Bali: Sekala & Niskala: Volume I: Essays on Religion, Ritual, and Art / Bali: Sekala & Niskala: Volume II: Essays on Society, Tradition, and Craft / Bright Days in Merrie England / Bates / Bertolt Brecht’s Berlin: A Scrapbook of the Twenties / Britain Under the Romans / Brideshead Revisited / Blanche Epiphanie / Buster Brown: Early Strips in Full Color / Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books / Badminton: The International Textbook of the Game / Bar Decors / Build With Adobe / Biorhythm: A Scientific Exploration Into the Life Cycles of the Individual / Blasters’ Handbook / Betel Chewing Traditions in South-East Asia / BR Equipment 2: Drawings from Railnews ‘Stockspot’ / Burton Holmes Travelogues / Boat Building with Plywood / Being and Nothingness / Balthus / Bridges of Time: Preserving Japan’s Treasures and Traditions / Big Game Hunting and Collecting in East Africa, 1903-1926 / Big and Little / Berlin: Ansichten Aus Alter Zeit / Bharatanatva in Indian Music / Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis / Battle in Bossenden Wood: The Strange Story of Sir William Courtenay / Beady Minces / Bulfinch’s Mythology / Ballooning /
Civilizing Caliban: The Misuse of Art / Critica dell’Orecchio: observazioni sull’ ideologia della cultura e della musica, in particolare / Color Categories in Thought and Language / Crafts of the North American Indians / Cybertypes, Race, Ethnicity and Identity on the Internet / Creativity / Cassat and Her Circle: Selected Letters / Century of Struggle: The Women’s Right Movement in the United States / Calliope’s Sisters: A Comparative Study of Philosophies of Art / Continental Aesthetics / Creative Report Writing / Creativity in the Arts / Consuming Passions: The Dynamics of Popular Culture / Canadian National Cinema / Criticism and Truth / Country Cabinet Work and Simple City Furniture / Consuming Media: Communication Shopping and Everyday Life / Color for Philosophers / Color: A Philosophical Introduction / Classic Art: An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance / Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art / Cloth and Clothing in Medieval Europe / Conservation and Exhibitions: Packing Transport Storage and Environmental Considerations / Cubism and Its Histories / Concerto for the Left-Hand / Communication Design: Principles Methods and Practice / Collections Management for Museums / Carlo Carra / Creative Time: The Book / Colorfoul Impressions: The Printmaking Revolution in 18th Century / Collective Colonialism: Material Culture and Colonial Change / Cultural Rights as Human Rights / Creative Tinkering / Children’s Drawings as Measures of Intellectual Maturity / Cue and Cut: A Practical Approach to Working in Multi-Camera Studios / Carnal Art: Orlan’s Refacing / Critical Essays / Copy Editing / Costume and Featherwork from the Lord of Chad Moore / Chinese Papercuts / Categories of Medieval Culture / Convivial Toolbox: Generative Research for the Front End of Design / Contemporary Aesthetics / Critical Terms for Art History / Camoupedia: A Compedium on Resrarch on Art, Research and Camouflage / Celtic Art / Covering the New Yorker: Cutting-Edge Covers from a Literary Institution / Colored Pencil Painting Bible: Techniques for Achieving Luminous Color and Ultrarealistic Effects / Contemporary Rugs / Cape Dorset Prints: A Retrospective / Computers and their Imagination / Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge / Chance and Reality / Ceramics and Print / Creativity and the Imagination / Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas / Curating Subjects / Coptic Textile Designs / Chinese Calligraphy / Cézanne and American Modernism / Communication by Design: A Study in Corporate Identity / Color and Meaning / Caring for the Future: Report of the Independent Commission on Population & Quality of LIfe / Creative Careers in Museums / Critical Theory After Habermas: Encounters & Departures / Concepts in Art & Education: An Anthology of Current Issues / Community, Art and the State / Creative Batik / Children and their Art: Art Education for Elementary and Middle Schools / Chronophobia: On Time in the Arts of the 1960s / Church Silver of Colonial Virginia / Cybernetics / Calling Cards / Canadian Dreams: The Making and Marketing of Independent Films / Cancer In My Left Ball / Contemporary Design / Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminshing Expectations / Contesting Art: Art, Politics and Identity in the Modern World / Color Theory and Its Application in Art & Design / Coming to Our Senses / Cubism in the Shadow of War / Creative Power: The Education of Youth in the Creative Arts / Crime and Ornament: The Arts and Popular Culture in the Shadow of Adolf Loos / Color Drawing / Canadian Culture: International Dimensions / Chinese Calligraphy: From Pictograph to Ideogram: The History of 214 Essential Chinese/Japanese Characters / Chinese Folk Art / Calder: An Autobiography with Pictures / Contemporary Voices: Works from the UBS Art Collection / Computer Mediated Communication: Social Interaction and the Internet / Conquest and Overlord: The Story of the Bayeux Tapestry and the Overlord Embroidery / Curating Immateriality / Constructing a Sociology of the Arts / Critical Studies in Art & Design Education / Communicating with Rough Visuals / Contemporary Silver / Cosimo de’ Medici and the Florentine Renaissance / Cybernetics, Art and Ideas / Calder: An Autobiography with Pictures /