Different From The One Place Time Mood Mindset You Are In Now, part 5 – Place


The fifth edition took up a total of four hours out of the 12-hour event on December 12th, 2024: Water (Deshkan Ziibi).

12 artists were invited to present a body of water in the form of a 12-minutes long audiovisual recording. Each recording was then stretched to 20 minutes and presented at the end of every hour of the 12-hour event on December 12th.

These were the starting premises, in the end there were more than 12 artists and most of the 12 pieces presented as part of this series did not necessarily follow these parameters. But they all had the spirit of a pause, a rest, a moment of respite.

A body of water may be an ocean, a sea, a lake, a river, a stream, a steam, a swamp, a well, a swell, a pond, a puddle, a spittle, a sniffle, a rill, a creek, a tear, a molecule. It may be part of a flood or spill, a drip or drop. It may be dammed, bottled, glassed. It can flow, freeze, steam, or boil. It can help grow or drown. It can wave or stagnate. It can be part of juice, tea, coffee, sauce. It can cause mould or just be moist. It can seep, leak, ooze.

A body of water is a place that displaces.


1. E.B.B.S
2. Sheri Osden Nault
3. Lina Choi
4. Bagida’waad Alliance
5. Melissa General
6. Kate Armstrong and Claire Liu
7. Shipwreckiana Collective
8. Christof Migone
9. Racquel Rowe
10. Penelope Cain
11. Paul Walde
12. Wetland Project


1. Different 2020
2. From 2021
3. The 2022
4. One 2023
5. Place 2024
6. Time 2025
7. Mood 2026
8. Mindset 2027
9. You 2028
10. Are 2029
11. In 2030
12. Now 2031


Link to main info page on the 12-year project here.

Link to project website here.